Damage billing at Connecticut College occurs four times a year:
  • August-December is billed in January
  • January-April is billed in May
  • May-June is billed in July
  • July-August is billed in September

Damage billing philosophy

While some colleges and universities incorporate projected damage costs into tuition/fees, or charge a "security deposit," Connecticut College bills students only when damage occurs. Through the damage billing process, we attempt to record all damages and losses within and around the residence halls and other campus buildings, and seek the appropriate reimbursement from the responsible party or parties. Tips to avoid damage billing.

As an honor code community, Connecticut College expects students to come forward on their own and take responsibility for any damage they have caused, accidentally or otherwise. Each house community has the right to expect this from every resident. Consistent with the honor code, should a student cause damage, she/he should report it to their housefellow or a Student Life staff member.

If you are aware that damage has occurred, you should confront the responsible individual and remind him/her to report themselves within 24 hours. After that period of time, if the responsible individual has not reported him/herself, you should report that student.

Semester damage assessments

During each semester, major damage and clean-up costs reported by Facilities Management staff are assessed and billed to students. The Office of Residential Life investigates these damages to determine to whom these charges should be billed.

It is important for you to inform your housefellow immediately if you or someone you know is responsible for specific damages.

When the student responsible for damage is identified or admits responsibility, the cost to repair the damage is assessed to that individual's account. When the responsible party cannot be determined, damage charges will be assessed to the wing, floor, apartment or house, depending on the location of the damage and the results of the housefellow's investigation.

Damage categories

Damage costs are broken down into two categories on your bill: Individual Damages and Lost Keys.

  • Individual Damages represent damages that have been attributed specifically to you. This may include damage to your room, house, or anywhere on campus where you have been designated as the responsible party. Also, individual damage may be billed when a group of people is responsible for damage; in this case your share of the entire cost is split evenly amongst group members, and your share is what appears on your bill.
  • Lost Key Charges: If you fail to return your keys to the Campus Safety office or the Gatehouse immediately after checking out of your room, you will be billed $75 for a lock change.